About our classes

In our Live online classes, our expert instructors understand that each student has unique learning requirements. Some of our students are emerging learners, some are intermediate, and some are advanced.

1:1 batch: Only your child & Instructor in the class
Custom-designed for each student based on age, skill level & pace of the child! 

Smaller group batch: A maximum of 4 kids in a class
That way each child can get personalized attention from the instructor. Also, kids of similar age groups at similar skill levels are grouped in the batch so no kid feels left out or bored!


A Lot of Parents Will Do Anything For Their Kids Except Let Them Be Themselves - Banksy
A detailed interview & research process of educators, parents and counsellors leads us to hand-picking courses that will percolate value to the student in the years to come. This value could be in the form of a plush, stress-busting hobby or it could lead to an alternate career or land anywhere in between this spectrum. What matters is the child has an opportunity to assess their interests & skills in a said activity first hand via our courses and can later choose to advance the skill-set with our advanced courses or higher levels. The courses range from strategic board games like chess to vocals, coding to robotics, soft skills to life skills, fitness and sports - we have a plethora of offerings for your bright child to seize the world. 
Skilsa operates globally but indulges at a personal level. Our academy has made feedback and reviews from the child and parent as it's litmus test, all inputs are incorporated to help hone the course and continually add new courses to the rooster. We also rely on word of mouth to grow its roots - no gimmick or deep pockets to cloak any shortcoming, this institute runs purely on substance and derived value.